Saturday 31 December 2016

Basics of robotics

At all stages of its development, mankind has sought to create tools, mechanisms to facilitate the work of the machine and provides protection from the enemy. The evolution of modern society and production led to the emergence and development of a new class of machines — robots — and the corresponding scientific field — robotics. Robotics today is a rapidly developing scientific and technical discipline that studies how the theory, methods of calculation and design of robots, their systems and components, as well as the problem of complex automation of production and research using robots. The subject of basics of robotics is the creation and use of robots, robotics, and other tools based on their engineering schemes and systems for various purposes.

In medieval times it has been enjoyed incredible popularity the various kinds of machines, based on the use of watch movements.

It have been set up all kinds of clocks with moving figures of people, angels, and so on. In this period of time info concerning the creation of the first human-moving mechanical figures — androids. So, android alchemist Albert the Great which contributed to the basics of robotics (1193 — 1280) made a doll in the persons heigh, which, when knocking on the door, open and close it, bowing while incoming. In the 13th century, Albert the Great created the machine, which later became known as the «talking head», capable of reproducing the human voice. In 1495 Leonardo da Vinci has developed a detailed project mechanical rights, the ability to move his hands and turning his head. And in 1500 he built a mechanical lion that at the entrance of the king of France in Milan nominated, claws tore his chest and showed the coat of arms of France. Work on the creation of androids reached the greatest development in the XVIII century. Along with the rise of watchmaking. Basics of robotics was also contributed with the workds of french mechanic and inventor Jacques de Vaucanson (1709-1789) who created in 1738 the first human-powered device (android), who plays the flute. «Piper» was the size of a man. Those first inventions made up the basics of robotics and influenced on the future robots technology.

With the help of mobility of his fingers he could carry 11 tones which embedded in a program. Vaucanson also created a mechanical duck covered with real feathers, which can walk, move the wings, quack, drinking water, grain and pecking, grinding his small inner mill, the need to send to the floor. Duck consisted of more than 400 moving parts, and was clearly recognized as the crown of creation wizard. Also engaged in the creation of automatic Swiss watchmakers, Pierre-Jacques Droz (1721-1790) and his son Henry Droz (1752-1791) who was one of the pioneers of basic of robotics.

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