Thursday 1 December 2016

iPhone Or Android?

No doubt, Smartphones have taken the world by storm. Providing flexible usage, 3G net, fun apps, usability, connectivity, business solutions and the list goes on. Apple Inc. is the company that brought out an expensive Smartphone with the name of iPhone that hit the charts as being the world’s most popular Smartphone, but apparently it has met its rival; the Google Android ! With Android taking on the race, there seems to be a fierce competition bringing out some major innovations amongst the two companies. Let’s take a quick glimpse of the two Smartphone operating system giants, in terms of their features, functionality, network, apparatus flexibility and usability.


Android is Google’s operating system that seems to run on smart phones, laptops and other computing devices. It offers flexibility, usability and doesn’t require any kind of restriction for both the developer and the user. iPhone on the other hand strictly emphasizes on Apple’s operating system and therefore is not as flexible and friendly as Android. People who want the “oomph” factor mainly prefer the elegant and sophisticated design of the iPhone, whereas those who are on the side of simplicity and flexibility would prefer the Android platform more. As it is mainly said: Android is for the geeks! iPhones are for the fashion models!

Another thing to understand is, iPhone is more of a singular device that is just strictly related to being a simple Smartphone structure. Android on the other hand is an entire software platform that caters to all needs. Don’t be fooled with Apple’s elegance and touch screen functionalities as Android is no less when it comes to a smart touch! Touch screens, fast web access, glossy phones, screen controls, are all given due accreditation with the Android platform.

Apps Flexibility

A Smartphone obviously cannot be much fun, if it doesn’t have cool apps to run along. Apple has a great number of apps in its iTunes store; however it is much costly to use Apple’s apps. Android initially had a fewer apps, but it has grown to quite a considerable amount and allows users the freedom to install various apps from a variety of websites. Apple apps are strictly related to promotional advantages of Apple and therefore they have stopped other apps from running. A perfect example could be the ban of Adobe by Apple, as it considered Adobe integration as a threat to its own app platform. Android luckily is a bit on the broader sphere.  The only difference that could be vaguely visible between the two platforms is that iPhone seems to be on a smoother interface than an Android phone.


iPhone is currently in line with AT&T’s network and Android on contrary is a free for all! You can run an Android platform on any network. iPhone users are unfortunately stuck with AT&T  networks and that gets quite irritating when the phone goes slow due to network issues or the network stops working altogether.


At the end of the day it depends on your personal choice. Are you someone who prefers freedom, flexibility of usage, bulky icons and techie sort of operating system? Or are you someone who prefers smooth operations, elegant looks, fancy displays and branded icons? If your answer is the latter then ofcourse iPhone would be the best for you. Remember though that the iPhone is a much costlier experience than an Android operating system. Secondly with the iPhone platform, you would have to stick with just the iPhone set, however with Android, you get to use a variety of phones from your favorite companies. Samsung, Nexus, HTC have all brought out Android based phones and they are sure getting the needed attention.

Android would take some time to grab the place of Apple, but that is only if Apple backs out of the competition, which right now doesn’t seem to be likely. Users around the world are influenced with iPhones, iPads, MACs etc. Android still needs to work on its user interface and smooth operations, before it take on the preference of the public at large.

If you can’t decide between Apple & Android, why don’t you give a try for both platforms? Use Android for a while and then switch to Apple for another optimal performance. Once you have experienced the use of the two then you can firmly make up your mind on the best Smartphone platform.

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